Class of 2016

Topic Exit Day

Image of Topic Exit Day

Class Three have been learning all about the United Kingdom as part of our topic lessons. We were super excited on the exit day of topic, as we went outside and took on the challenge of using natural resources to make a map of the UK. It was brilliant to see collaborative working and team…

Category: Class of 2016


Magnetic Games

Image of Magnetic Games

This half term, we have been learning about magnets and forces. The children then used this learning to create a magnetic game for the children in Class R. It was lovely to see Class Three showing Class R their finished magnetic game and explaining how to play it. 



Category: Class of 2016


Class Three Collage Making

Image of Class Three Collage Making

This half term Class Three have been learning all about how to make collages. We have also studied and annotated the two artists Megan Coyle and Eileen Doyles as inspiration. 


Category: Class of 2016


Harvest Festival

Image of Harvest Festival

It was lovely to celebrate the Harvest Festival as a whole school assembly. Well done to the Class 3 readers that took part. 

Category: Class of 2016


Maths No Pens Day

Image of Maths No Pens Day

Class 3 had a wonderful day on No Pens Day doing their curriculum in creative ways. The tricky maths puzzle that introduced the new addition and subtraction topic was a huge success. We loved the practical approach towards working out the calculation sentences. 


Category: Class of 2016


Fabulous English Work

Image of Fabulous English Work

Class Three have been working extremely hard in their English, using the Tin Forest book to aid their writing. This week the children have been learning and working on some new conjunctions (but, or, yet and so) for their writing. I can't wait to see how this will improve our final Tin Forest…

Category: Class of 2016


Our Reading Corner

Image of Our Reading Corner

Class Three have settled into their new classroom and are loving their new exciting reading corner. This year, the chosen reading corner theme is a Hawaiian reading hut. Children spend time in the reading hut immersing themselves in the wide range of books from the school library. 

Category: Class of 2016


Welcome to Class 3

Image of Welcome to Class 3

Welcome back to the new school year! I hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday and are looking forward to starting a very exciting year in Class Three. The children have all settled in really well and seem thrilled with their new Hawaiian Reading Hut.  We have already completed lots of…

Category: Class of 2016


When we were in Class 2...............

Category: Class of 2016


Lotherton Hall Trip

Last week Class 2 visited Lotherton Hall and had an amazing time. They were shown around the house by Florence Nightingale and visited the bird garden where they loved watching all the different animals, especially the penguins! We were very lucky to have beautiful weather and the children enjoyed…

Category: Class of 2016


Fairtrade Fun

Fairtrade Fortnight is upon us and Class 2 have had great fun learning all about it. We have learnt all about Foncho, a banana farmer from Columbia who would like us to pay a fair price for our bananas. We have also learnt about some sugar farmers in Chinangua Village who since teaming with…

Category: Class of 2016

Tags: Class 2


Look at these Learning Logs!

Year 2 were set a learning log challenge over the February half term to show what they had learnt so far in school. They could choose to present it however they chose and I was absolutely blown away by the amount of effort that children showed in presenting their learning! Look at some examples of…

Category: Class of 2016

Tags: Class 2