Our Curriculum

Bramham Shadwell Federation Curriculum:
Intent, Implementation and Impact



Curriculum Intention

At the Bramham Shadwell Federation, we achieve Excellence for All’ through offering rich and vibrant opportunities which draw upon meaningful real-life, authentic experiences which are accessible for all children in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Please refer to our SEND policy for further details. We cherish each child’s individuality and character and our creative curriculum inspires and ignites interests within children.

We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum where children acquire substantive and procedural knowledge which is applied and built on through school. Ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum, each subject includes bespoke elements that maximise our children’s exposure to the wider world and builds their cultural capital.

High quality subject leaders ensure a purposefully sequenced development of knowledge and skills through school in their subject, so that each phase builds on previous learning and prepares for that to come. This careful consideration and curation of subjects, paired with high expectations and meaningful cross-curricular links, ensures a rich daily experience for our children and an environment in which they thrive.

In addition to the progression built in to our curriculum, we incorporate evidence- backed strategies to improve memory and cognition to enable and empower children to retain knowledge and apply it in different contexts and situations.

The curriculum is centred around four key components: Core, SITE/Topic, Enrich and Ethos. Underpinned by a focus on SMSC, British Values and Learning for Life skills, pupils become happy, confident, responsible individuals and develop key values for success throughout their time at the Federation. Challenge and aspiration are key threads which are embedded within our curriculum design, and we aim to grow children who approach life with self-confidence and resilience.

By the time they leave our Federation, our children will possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be successful in High School and beyond, with the confidence and consideration for others to be happy and successful adults.

Curriculum Implementation

Launch days provide an initial stimulus for children’s learning each half term.  Opportunities to re-evaluate previous learning are provided before moving onto a new SMSC statement and question which allow staff to engage and stimulate children’s interests and spark their curiosity with new topics.

Knowledge and understanding is clearly outlined in an age-appropriate and progressive way from Reception - Y6 so that the children’s understanding is extended year on year.

The CORE curriculum consists of developing sequential, progressive Maths mastery and English knowledge followed by application into authentic links to cross-curricular learning. For example, English work could include written, debate and speaking and listening tasks linked to topic work on deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest and cross-curricular Maths challenges (such as ordering the length of Florence Nightingale’s bandages).  Reading skills are taught explicitly in a weekly lesson, but exposure to a daily class story instils a love of reading in all children. Application of reading skills are embedded into the whole curriculum.

SITE and Topic – SITE (incorporates our Science curriculum, integrated with innovation, computing, design technology and engineering).  A thematic approach is adapted which allows children to develop their creative and innovation skills through real-life projects which apply their subject knowledge.  This broadens children’s minds to the opportunities in real life careers and gives them the chance to apply their scientific questioning, engineering and creativity skills to projects.  Ensuring that all children become digitally literate is a key focus of the curriculum.  Children understand how Technology has an impact on the real world and how to stay safe online.  Regular Online Safety lessons alongside a child-friendly Online Safety Policy helps pupils and parents understand both possible online dangers and a range of appropriate and necessary safety measures to action.


Topic (incorporates History and Geography topics).  Each subject is taught discreetly with cross-curricular application, on alternate half terms.  History is brought to life with outdoor activities and visits such as year 6’s evacuation day for their World War 2 topic.  


Each Term, relevant ENRICHMENT opportunities are integrated so that children are captivated by their learning. Outdoor opportunities, visits and visitors, P.E, Music and Art all provide a platform for children to express their individual talents and personality. A range of extra-curricular clubs such as languages, Art and Design, Board Games and Computing all promote a love of learning.

Our ETHOS strand underpins our whole curriculum.  A school focus on SMSC learning (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) and SEMH learning (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) ensures that children understand themselves (for example how to develop resilience or self-motivation).  They consider how to make the world a better place - opportunities are provided to develop life skills based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Our excellent curriculum is taught by a team of dedicated teaching professionals who are regularly trained and supported. They have a wealth of strong subject knowledge about our curriculum and deliver tailored lessons with systematic checking of knowledge through ‘feedback 5’ marking.  They understand that each child is unique and ensure that everybody strives to achieve their best.


Curriculum Impact

The curriculum ensures that children acquire a deep body of learning that is developed each year and interconnected, making links to prior knowledge and understanding. An integral aspect of the curriculum is that children are prepared for the future – during their time in the Federation, they become fantastic role models. Their individual identity is valued and our children are kind and caring whilst also aspiring to be the best that they can be in whatever area they choose to pursue. We believe that every child is unique – they all have the potential to achieve; and our broad, varied curriculum allows every child to excel now and in the future based upon their own personal strengths, interests and core values.

Monitoring Impact of the core curriculum:

Core subjects are assessed in a summative way each term and data is analysed by SLT. Internal Maths and Writing moderation also occur each term and external moderation is based on the Leeds calendar.

Attainment and Progress is tracked termly for Reading, Writing and Maths.  Progress is shared with parents through a termly Progress café in school.

Monitoring Impact of the non-core curriculum:

In non-core subject areas, curriculum impact is quantified by end of year assessment data where children are assessed as Emerging, Meeting or Exceeding based on their understanding of knowledge and application of skills in each curriculum area. Each term, planning analysis, alongside outcomes from lesson observations and progress in books are triangulated against progression documents to ensure that all children are provided with opportunities to achieve and that they are successful in meeting what is expected at their stage of learning.

Whole school areas for development are identified as a result of data analysis – these areas are bespoke to each school. For example, a weak area in Geography could be ‘Place Knowledge’’ whereas a weak area in science could be ‘Working Scientifically’. The data analysis enables CPD to be implemented to ‘close the gap’ in these curriculum areas for all children in all year groups.

The impact of the non-core curriculum is monitored during and after each lesson through ongoing formative assessment; the embedded Feedback Five process helps children to make immediate progress. The Question, Action or Challenge aspect of marking supports Greater Depth children accessing challenges and those children who have found a particular concept tricky to have another chance to demonstrate their understanding.  


Further details of the Primary National Curriculum can be found on the following links:

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2