Maths Curriculum
The Teaching of Maths in the Bramham Shadwell Federation
Please also refer to our Teaching and Learning, Marking and SEND policies and our Maths Calculation Progression document, Maths ‘Guide on a Side’ and Maths Objectives Progression documents.
We believe Mathematics is integral to all aspects of learning and forms the foundations for children to go on to be successful through primary and secondary school and beyond. We want all of our children to feel confident and secure in their maths knowledge, and to enjoy learning and applying mathematical concepts at school and in ‘real-life’ situations.
There is an expectation that the overwhelming majority of children leave Key Stage 1 with confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value, with the emphasis on use of practical apparatus to carry out the four operations with understanding. In Lower Key Stage 2 the emphasis is on developing efficient written and mental methods with an expectation that pupils show increasing precision and fluency in their work including memorising their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 times multiplication table.
The connected nature of mathematical topics, whilst emphasised throughout, is developed further in Upper Key Stage 2 through work on multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. Pupils also develop their ability to solve increasingly complex problems, which require efficient written and mental methods of calculation. Algebra, whilst taught from the early years, is formalised in Upper Key Stage as algebraic language is introduced and its use as a means of solving a range of problems consolidated. Wherever possible, geometry and statistics are taught in context.
As a result of this learning, we want all of our children to leave us as confident, rounded and able mathematicians with an interest in maths and an awareness of its importance in all areas of life.