Class Two's Art Day!

Image of Class Two's Art Day!

Class Two had a fantastic Art Day yesterday! We looked at the work of three artists; Andy Warhol, Henry Matisse and Paul Klee. We focused on their landscape pieces and discussed what we liked and disliked about different styles. Throughout the day we used mixed media to build up the skills needed to produce amazing final pieces!

We practised using a range of mixed media including chalk, pastels, charcoal, coloured pencils, felt tips and crayons. We explored the ways we could use each media applying different pressures to create different shades and tones. After that, we practised combining and layering mixed medias to create our own landscape of a butterfly in a field. 

After lunch we explored the school grounds and sketched the landscape view we had from our school field. We talked about the size of objects for the foreground and background and using small careful pencil marks to build up our drawing.

Using all of these skills and inspiration from photographs of different landscapes, Class Two produced their final piece on A4 art paper. This was of a landscape using mixed media. Well done Class Two!


Category: Class of 2018

Tags: Class 2 Art