Earth Day 2021

Image of Earth Day 2021

Class Two have had a brilliant day celebrating Earth Day and have thought carefully about the importance of protecting the environment, particularly looking at marine life and waste.

We started the day by focusing on plastic pollution in the oceans in English. We looked at numerous persuasive adverts about plastic pollution and the children had a fantastic discussion about the powerful messages they portrayed. We demonstrated our understanding of the issue of plastic pollution by creating our very own persuasive advert posters to encourage others to help protect the oceans. 

We then took our learning outside to the outdoor classroom where we completed observational drawings of the natural things around us in our sketch books. The children took it in turns pond dipping. We created a tally chart of all of the pond animals we found as a class before using this data to create our own pictograms. Great work Class Two!


Category: Class of 2018

Tags: Class 2 English Maths S&L Art