The Wright Brothers

Do you know who these two gentlemen are? Do you know how they changed the world that we live in today? 


If you are unsure, Class 2 will be able to teach you all about the lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright! These 2 brothers were the first men to successfully fly an aircraft without crashing! They also teach us a valuable lesson - NEVER GIVE UP! Do you think they succeeded the first time they attempted to fly? No, they crashed their glider a few times and had to spend a weeks fixing it but they never gave in and achieved their goal.

Can you think of something that you would like to achieve? Could you keep trying until you succeed? Will you need the support of others to help you achieve your dream?

Here are some pictures of Class 2 working together to build reports about these famous brothers before we wrote our own and also role playing the events that led up to the day of their first successful flight. 


Category: Class of 2016

Tags: Class 2