Ledston Estate

Image of Ledston Estate

This week the children put on their raincoats and headed to Ledston Estate for an exciting day in the woods.


We were investigating seasonal changes and spotting early signs of spring. The children enjoyed collecting buds on their nature walk and saw lots of lovely daffodils. Our group leader Anna, told us lots of information about what happens to the trees between seasons and read us a wonderful story about hibernating animals. We even found lots of molehills!


After we ate our packed lunches in the classroom, we headed back to the woods with our hoods up. We used natural clay to create our own creatures and find suitable habitats for them to live in. The children had to consider what body parts their animal would need depending on where they lived. We added wings for animals that lived high in the trees and shells to creatures that lived in the leaves.


We were so proud of the children for their impeccable behaviour and wonderful manners, they represented our school fantastically!


Category: Class of 2018