Health Week

Image of Health Week

Class One really enjoyed Health Week and have been very busy learning about all of the different ways to keep their bodies healthy. 


We had lots of lovely visitors come into our class to to talk to us about the signs of a healthy body. We learned about brushing our teeth every day,  how medicine helps fight illnesses and we even looked at medical equipment brought in by Mrs Heslip. The children asked lots of fantastic questions such as ''How do you know which medicine will help your body?'' 


We used our graph skills in maths to create a pictograph. We investigated the most popular breakfasts in Class One; we found this was toast. As well as finding out the most popular exercise was running.


The children all took part in lots of fun team games during sports day, another important factor in staying healthy and keeping fit. Well done to everyone showing great teamwork skills! 


At the end of the week, we had an exciting outdoor classroom pop-up where we could learn all about how milk is produced by Arla. We found out what the difference between whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed milk is and how it makes it's way from the cow to the shops! At playtime, the children were eager see which type of milk they would be drinking. 


Finally, Class One made some delicious fruity smoothies. We wrote a shopping list of all the ingredients we would need; we used fresh bananas, pears and mixed berries that are full of important vitamins for our bodies. We loved drinking them outside in the cool shade!



Category: Class of 2017