
Image of Fairtrade

Class 5 have been very busy this week thinking about Fairtrade in lots of exciting lessons.  We started the week by completing a Maths starter connected to a Fairtrade chocolate bar which allowed the children to put their learning of decimals, fractions and percentages into practice.  We then planned a Fairtrade holiday, where we started to think which country we would get the best deal from using a range of calculations and methods.  After all our hard work, we got to try the Fairtrade chocolate which everyone would admit was the best bit!


To continue Class 5's learning on Fairtrade, we completed a reading comprehension and watched some insightful videos learning about why Fairtrade is SO important to farmers and workers in third world countries.  In Music we learnt a popular folk song called Day-O (the Banana Boat Song) which again highlighted the importance about getting the message across.  Ask any of Class 5 about the meaning and they will be able to tell you!


Tags: Class 5