SEND Offer

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Please follow this link Leeds Local Offer which provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers. It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.

Details of our SEND offer can be viewed in the following documents.

SEND Offer

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Who should I contact if I have a concern with my child’s SEND provision?

Please discuss any concerns you have with us. We will always work hard to make sure we provide the best possible care and education for your child. 

A meeting can be arranged with either the SENDCo (Miss Ings), or the Deputy Head Teacher (Mrs Prankard). 

SENDCo – Miss Ings

  • Bramham:
  • Shadwell:

Our chair of governors is Mr Tom Irwin who will listen to and investigate your concerns. Email contact can be made with our chair of governors through the school office.

Alternatively any paper correspondence will be sent directly to Mr Irwin.