Following our inspection in January 2024, we are extremely proud that Bramham continues to be a 'good' school. It is a reflection of all the hard work of our staff, our wonderful children, our wider Federation team, Governors and support from our families.

In addition to the report, the following feedback was received from the Inspector at the end of the inspection:

  • Bramham has absolutely wonderful pupils, who have done the school proud.
  • Bramham is a safe and happy place to be. It had been a joy spending time in classrooms.
  • Staff had strongly advocated for leaders and had come to the inspector to tell him that Bramham was a lovely place to work.
  • Bramham is in an exciting place and leaders are committed to moving forward.
  • Leaders are doing everything they can to keep children safe. There is evidence of a strong culture of safeguarding.
  • There are many positives and strengths such as inclusivity, equality, expressing and holding beliefs, SMSC and British values.

Our Ofsted report can be found on Ofsted Reports or by dowlnoading our report below.

Ofsted Report

Updated: 28/02/2024 159 KB
Updated: 22/01/2019 260 KB
Updated: 23/08/2017 169 KB
