Coronavirus Catch-up Premium

Covid Catch-Up Funding Expenditure and Planned Impact

Bramham Primary School

Bramham Shadwell Federation

Total Funding:

2020 - 2021

April 2021 – 2022





£14,720                                                                                                       Whole school intention focus for ambition

Cost Allocation

Teaching and Academic Support



Proposed impact

Av 9.62 per hour


Cost of additional TA for same-day, specific and bespoke intervention

Accelerated progress made by ALL children towards goal of recovering curriculum by April 2021


Metacognition training and CPD for all staff (SIA) – focus of quality teacher modelling with explanation – whole school implementation of EEF metacognition guidance


Increased modelling of processes for learning resulting in children’s  understanding of own learning process


Frequent summative testing and deliberate reduction of workload for staff (including reduced meetings)

Cost of testing packages & built in opportunities to mark assessments (also included within online learning and expectations for staff during any lockdown)


Staff wellbeing considered and  accommodated

Frequent and useful updates of progress of children with relevant information for staff to plan next steps



Sustained CPD for all staff re. transition and progress monitoring and well-being opportunities for staff, including INSET day (October 2020)

Continuous monitoring of staff wellbeing to support stamina and to preserve teaching staff. 



NELI Early Years intervention training (part of EEF research project)

4h/wk delivery (cost of staffing)

Children gain 3 months’ progress in speech and oracy




Protected bubbles and significantly reduced movement of staff – cost of HLTA / cover supervisor for lesson coverage / support with online learning if teacher isolating

Smaller support bubbles ensure safety of staff and children but therefore protect learning capacity long term

£0 (incl above)

Protected bubble TA support for break and lunchtimes

Smaller support bubbles ensure safety of staff and children but therefore protect learning capacity long term


Additional laptop purchases for support staff in cases of teacher isolation

Teacher / support staff can continue to teach via Teams and quality of education is maintained despite staffing reduction


Parent Meetings with staff

Cost for staff wellbeing and meeting remotely in class coverage by TA

Parents can be updated safely on child’s progress and teacher can ensure adequate support is sought from home where needed for accelerated progress

Additional Lockdown costs (from 4.1.21)


Allocation of dedicated staff for Key Worker and vulnerable children – costs incurred to support additional hours (8.45 – 3.30 daily)

All KW and vulnerable children access teacher online for quality teaching with dedicated staff member for additional safety precaution and reduced bubble closure. All children in KW group follow daily timetable for learning


Allocation of additional I.T support for most vulnerable children, including purchase and distribution of laptops (some reconditioned – cost of ICT support to facilitate)

All children are able to access live teaching from home, despite socio-economic status

Av £38.12 per hour

SLT costs for supporting CP and DV families – home visits and additional support within school

Face to face and phone calls arranged for all parents upon request and weekly in some cases to ensure optimum safety and security for vulnerable families.


Purchase / reconditioning of laptops and ipads for support staff to facilitate ‘break out’ groups for online learning and daily readers online with support staff  for those children needing to maintain progress rate.

Children who would normally receive additional support in class and/or those identified (via accountability Oct 2020) for intervention, can access more learning which pre-teaches or consolidates that which the teacher provides live and online.

TA £440

Teachers £738

SLT £1239/2

Admin £74

TOTAL £1872

Whole staff transition day – paid training day for all staff and support staff to organise school to accommodate children coming back to school safely following lockdown

Staff ensure school is ready for learning for return of pupils so that we ‘hit the ground running’ from Day 1 return with learning.


Purchase of ‘Oxford Owl’ for online reading scheme

Children can continue their reading progress and all have access to range of appropriately banded books. Children assessed upon return to school.



Wider Strategies


Av TA £9.62 per hour

DHT £41 per hour

Internal pastoral support by DHT and TAs for children identified as most vulnerable

Children who have experienced CP issues, broken families, bereavement as a result of Covid, have the opportunity to discuss and possible referrals made to cluster / AIP for support as a result.  Children can concentrate in class/with learning knowing emotional needs are supported

Av £38.12 per hour

Pastoral contact at home by SLT on daily/weekly basis for most vulnerable children continuing to isolate / shielding / track and traced

School have a record of all children working at home and accessing online lessons; SLT oversight of needs and in ensuring all children are safe and able to continue learning.


Audit and Purchase new I.T equipment for PP children who may be isolating

All children are able to access live teaching sessions from home, despite socio-economic status

Av £38.12 per hour

Daily SLT ‘meet and greet’ for parental contact  (reduced class teacher contact due to RA)

SLT are available for all parents upon entry and exit to protect staff in ensuring they are safe to continue learning and maximise teaching

£300 equipment + £100 boxes

Boxes for break-times to ensure children have equipment to play with independently and in compliance with the RA to support pupil wellbeing and promote exercise

Children’s health and well-being is considered as essential for ensuring active learning upon return to class.  Segregated play boxes and play times ensure maximised safety for children.